ODD – Oppositional Defiant Disorder
Angry and irritable mood:
- Often loses temper
- Often touchy or easily annoyed by others
- Often angry and resentful
Argumentative and defiant behavior:
- Often argues with adults or people in authority
- Often actively defies or refuses to comply with adults’ requests or rules
- Often deliberately annoys people
- Often blames others for his or her mistakes or misbehaviour
- Often spiteful or vindictive
- Has shown spiteful or vindictive behavior at least twice in the past six months
Conduct Disorder
Aggressive Conduct:
- Intimidating or bullying others
- Physically harming people or animals on purpose
- Committing rape
- Using a weapon
Deceitful Behavior:
- Lying
- Breaking and entering
- Stealing
- Forgery
Destructive Behavior:
- Destructive conduct may include arson and other intentional destruction of property.
Violation of Rules:
- Skipping school
- Running away from home
- Drug and alcohol use
- Sexual behavior at a very young age
- Boys who have conduct disorder are more likely to display aggressive and destructive behavior than girls. Girls are more prone to deceitful and rule-violating behavior.
Paranoid Schizophrenia
- Poor motor coordination
- Anxiety and low mood
- Sensory issues
- Attention difficulties
- Learning difficulties
- Tics
- seizures